Line Length

Manageable Line Length

You should try to limit the length of your lines to approximately 80 characters or less. It reduces strain on the reader’s eyes, since they don’t need to move back and forth as much. It also helps prevent them from jumping to the wrong line when they get to the end of the previous line. The end result is that it’s easier for visitors to digest your content.

Don’t believe us? Try reading Wikipedia with a narrow browser window. It makes a big difference.

Not-So-Manageable Line Length

This section contains the same text as the previous one, but with a line length that always stretches to the size of the browser. It’s more difficult to read when your browser window is wide.

You should try to limit the length of your lines to approximately 80 characters or less. It reduces strain on the reader’s eyes, since they don’t need to move back and forth as much. It also helps prevent them from jumping to the wrong line when they get to the end of the previous line. The end result is that it’s easier for visitors to digest your content.

Don’t believe us? Try reading Wikipedia with a narrow browser window. It makes a big difference.